Lord Shiva : 19 avatars of Lord Shiva



Sketch of Lord Shiva

    Lord Shiva is one of the three dieties which are the base of this whole world.Lord Brahma who is creator of this world, Lord Vishnu is nurterer while on the other hand Lord Shiva destroys the world when evil start to take over the good.

  Lord Shiva is unborn and he is omnipresent.He is present in every particle of this world.He is not of anyone but he is of everyone. He does not discriminate in anyone and he loves everyone. Lord Shiva is the husband of Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva has two sons- Lord Ganesh and Lord Kartikeya , and daughter Devi Ashoksundari.

   As Lord Vishnu has taken several avatars, Lord Shiva has also taken avatar to destroy evil from mind and soul of peoples or to test someone. These avatars or incarnations of Lord Shiva are as follows :

1. Pipplad Avatar :

     Maharishi Pipplad was son Maharishi Dadhichi and Devi suvarcha. Maharishi Dadhichi gave his bones to make "Vajra" to Indra so he can kill the demon.And after that Devi Suvarcha gave her life after giving birth to Maharishi Pipplad.

   Maharishi Pipplad went to Gods to ask why my family was taken away from me.On this Gods gave the answer that it was due to the sight of Shani Dev. Hearing this, Maharishi pipplad got angry and with his brahmdand he made Shani Dev lame. On the request of dieties ,Maharishi Pipplad forgave Shani Dev on one condition that Shani Dev would not harm any child till he attains age of 16 years.9

2. Nandi Avatar :

  In this avatar of Lord Shiva was born to Sage Shilada.Rishi performed harsh penance to seek Lord Shiva's blessings as he want to seek child who would remain immortal . 

     Pleased by Rishi Shilada's devotion, Lord Shiva took birth as Nandi, who then became the gate-keeper of Kailash and the mount of the Lord. He is also the cheif of ganas.

3. Virbhadra Avatar :

   This avatar of Lord Shiva has taken place, when Daksh Prajapati had not invited Goddess Sati ( his daughter ) and Lord Shiva to Yagana. Goddess agrued with Lord Shiva and went to Yagana where her father used terrible words for Lord Shiva. Goddess Sati unable to bear this, burnt herself in her Yog Shakti. 

      After this Lord Shiva went Furious and while doing Tandava he created Veerbhadra from his hair. Veerbhadra on order of Lord Shiva went to Yagana and killed all the army of Daksha and cutted the head of Daksha.

4. Bhairava Avatar :

    Before when univerese was not created, Lord brahma and Lord Vishnu had a dispute, that who is greatest among us.During there dispute a gaint infinite linga came in front of both of them. A voice from that linga said whoever find the end of this linga will be the greatest.

    Both tried their best to find the end of that infinite linga, but they failed. But Lord Brahma in his arrogance and to make himself greatest made ketki ( flower ) his fake evidence that he has find the end of this linga. On which Lord Shiva emerged from that Infinite linga and from his hair they created Lord Bhairava, who from his fingers uprooted the fifth head of Lord brahma.


5. Ashwatthama Avatar :

    Ashwatthama was son Guru Dronacharya and kripi. Guru Dronacharya did hard penance to please Lord shiva as he want Lord Shiva to born as his child. Pleased by Penance of Guru Drona, Lord Shiva took birth as Ashwatthama, who had a mani on his head which made him immortal and he was a great warrior who played an important role in Great battle of Mahabharata.

6. Grihapati Avatar :

    Rishi Vishwanar and Devi Suchismati got son alike Lord Shiva by doing hard penance or Lord Shiva. And name of Son of Rishi Vishwanar was Grihapati .Rishi Vishwanar was cursed by Agni Dev that son of Rishi will die at  age of 12. Due to this curse Rishi Vishwanar was worried. When Griphpati came to know about this curse, he went to kashi to do penance of Lord Shiva.

 While doing penance , Devraj Indra came and asked him to ask for a boon but Grihapati Said no to Devraj Indra and told him that only mahadev will give me a boon.Devraj Indra was going to use his vajra on grihpati but on the same time Lord Shiva came and saved Child Grihpati from it and granted him a boon of long life.

7. Durvasa Avatar :

   Maharishi Durvasa was son of Rishi Atri and Devi Anusuya.He is known for his anger and curse giving.This incarnation was taken by Lord Shiva to establish the importance of time and discipline in the universe.


8. Vrishabha Avatar :

     In this avatar, Lord Shiva manifested as a bull or ox to kill the evil sons of Lord vishnu.

    During Samudar Manthan, Lord Shiva created various apsaras to fascinate Demons.Seeing Apsaras, Demons taken them to patalook and Imprisioned them there.Lord Vishnu went to Patalook and made free those apsaras. The apsaras got Flattered on Lord Vishnu anf they prayed to Lord Shiva to give Lord Vishnu as their Husband.

  Lord Shiva granted those apsaras their boon and from these apsaras Lord Vishnu had many sons but all are of evil mind, so to kill them Lord Shiva made a form of bull to kill them.

9. Yatinath Avatar :

    In this avatar, Lord Shiva made a form of a sanyasi and went to test of his devotee Ahuka and his Wife Ahuki. 

    Lord Shiva as in form of Yatinath went to hut of Ahuka. They both done hospitality of Yatinath very well. Yatinath to test them more said them that he want to stay at night. Both Ahuka and Ahuki was in dilemma because there was space of two only in that small hut.So Ahuka decided to stay outside to guard the hut. 

   In night wild animals came and ate ahuka. In morning ahuki was crying at the dead body of Ahuka.Seeing this Lord Shiva felt bad.On other hand, Ahuki wanted to die in the pyre of Ahuka.And Lord Shiva gave the boon of Ahuka and Ahuki that in future, my swan form will make mutual union of both of you.

10. Hanuman Avatar :

    Lord Hanuman was son of Anjana and kesari.Lord Hanuman is one seven immortals present on this earth.He is the best devotee of Lord Ram. He has killed many demons with his mace and also burnt Lanka- city of Ravana.  He helped Lord Ram in finding and getting back of Lady Sita from Demon Ravana. It is believed that only by taking his name, all sorrows vanish.


11. Krishan Darshan Avatar :

    In this avatar, Lord Shiva in form of Krishan Darshan Avatar told the importance of rituals in human life. 

   King SharaddhaDeva had Eight sons and his yougest Nabhag went to get Education and he was devotee of Lord Shiva. When he returned he asked for his share in kingdom but his brothers denied to gave him. 

      So nabhag went to his father to ask where is my share but he told him that his brothers had distributed all the kingdom between themselves and he had nothing left for him. 

   So he told him to help Rishis Angiras and try eliminate their attachment by your discourses.This way sage Angiras on being pleased with you and would give all the wealth which remains after the completion of the yagya.

    Nabhag did the same and helped the rishis in to get rid of their attachments and he got all the wealth which was left there. At the same time Lord Shiva as Krishan Darshan Avatar appeared and he staked his own claim on that wealth.

  He showed Nabhag the significance of higher spiritual attainment and salvation and hence gave blessings.

12. Bhiksuvarya Avatar :

      In this avatar, Lord Shiva as in form of Bhiksuk saved the life of child who was left alone as his father was a king killed by his enemy and his mother was eaten by crocodile.

   A woman beggar came there due to inspiration of Lord Shiva. And at the same time,Lord Shiva came in form of Bhiksuvarya and told the beggar to upbring that child as he was son King of Vidharbha.

   As that child growed up ,he killed all his enemies and became the great emperor.

13. Sureshwar Avatar :

  A child named upmanyu done hard penance of Lord Shiva as he want to drank milk. He was told by his mother that Lord Shiva is god of all milch animals so he can give you the milk. Those words setted in his mind and he went to  forest where he made Shivlinga and prayed to Lord Shiva.

   To test upmanyu, Lord Shiva came in form Indra and tried to influence Child upmanyu to take boon from him instead of Lord Shiva.But Upmanyu told that ,"Hey Sureshwar Indra,I need boon only from Mahadev ". 

 After that Lord Shiva started condemning himself. On this Upmanyu got angry and he used aghorastra to kill Sureshwar Indra.

  Seeing this Lord Shiva appeared in original and gave him the boon .

14. Keerat Avatar :

   In this avatar, Lord Shiva made a form of keerat ( a tribal people  who lives in mountain ) to test the devotion of Pandu's Son Arjuna.

   When arjuna was doing penance a demon came in form of a boar in front of Arjuna.That demon was killed by the arrow of Keerat and Arjuna. They have an argument on this and they started to show each other there archery skills. 

    During their exhibition of their valour, arrows of arjuna got finished and started to pray to Lord shiva to save his life. Arjuna  a garland on shivlinga and that garland went in the neck of Keerat.

    Arjuna then realised that keerat is none other than Lord Shiva and he felt guilty to not to identify Lord Shiva and fell at the feet of Mahadev .

   Lord Shiva was happy with arjuna and gave him Pashupatastra to Arjun.

15. Sunatanartaka Avatar :

      In this avatar, Lord Shiva took the form of playwright and went to palace of King Himavat to ask for the hand of Goddess Parvati for marriage.He took this form of Sunatanartaka because Mahadev does not want that King Himavat will marry his daughter because he is god of gods. 

   So Lord Shiva made a form of a Playwright and asked for the hand of Goddess Parvati.

16. Brahmachari Avatar :    

    In this avatar, Lord Shiva had taken a form of Brahmachari Rishi to test the devotion of Goddess Parvati.

   Goddess Parvati was doing harsh penance to attain Lord Shiva as his husband.So to test Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva took a form of Brahmachari and went to Devi Parvati.Devi Parvati duly worshipped him.

 Lord Shiva in form of Brahmachari started saying bad words for himself after knowing the reason of penance of Goddess Parvati.Goddess Parvati got angry and stopped Brahmachari to say annoying words for Mahadev.

  Lord Shiva got impressed to see devotion of her and appeared in front of Goddess Parvati and gave her a boon.

17. Yakeshwar Avatar : 

      In this avatar, Lord Shiva crushed the ego of deities by taking Yakesheshwar Avatar.

    After completion of Samudra Manthan, deities after they consumed nectar ( amrit ),they all became egoistic. 

    To crush the ego of deities, Lord Shiva in Yakesheshwar Avatar asked them to cut a blade of grass, and they failed to destroy it even with their combined powers. They realised their mistake and apologised to Lord Shiva.

18. Avadhut Avatar :

    In this avatar, Lord Shiva took a form of Aghori Sanyasi to destroy the ego of Devraj Indra.

    Devraj Indra was going to meet Lord Shiva on Kailash ( Abode of Mahadev ). But Devraj Indra being king of gods had a huge ego. And to destroy that ego or arrogance of Devraj, Lord Shiva as avadhut slept in path of Devraj .

  Devraj arrogantly asked him to step away  from the path of him.But Lord Shiva stayed there where he was. Devraj again more arrogantly told him to step out from his path.

Lord shiva got angry on Devraj Indra and was going to turn devraj into ashes.But on Request of Guru Brihaspati, Lord Shiva forgived Devraj and told him to leave his ego.

19. Sharabha Avatar :   

     In this avatar, Lord Shiva taken a form of gaint bird who had a head of lion and has many hands to stop Lord Narishma who was roaring in anger and creating chaos in the whole world after killing Demon Narsimha.

     When rage of Lord Narsimha was not subdued then Lord Sharabha holded Lord Narsimha in his hands and had taken him high in sky. Seeing the strength of Lord Sharbha rage of Narsimha got subdued.And both Lord Narsimha and Lord Sharabha returned to their original form.

                       || OM NAMAH SHIVAAY ||

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