Avatar of Lord Shiva : Bhikshuvarya Avatar



Sketch of mahadev

      Today we will talk about Avatar of Lord Shiva which is  Bhikshuvarya Avatar. There are three superpowers running the Universe, which we call Trideva or Trinity.Among the Trinity there is Lord Brahma who creates the universe, Lord Vishnu has the responsibility of nurturing and Lord Shiva is the destroyer of the universe.

      When the sin on earth increases excessively and people forget religion and start doing everything wrong.Then Lord Shiva brings changes in everything to make the earth run smoothly.

        Lord shiva has been called by many names like Shankar,Mahadev,Neelkanth,Aadiyogi,Maheshwar,Shambhu,Gangadhar,Mahakal,Rudra,Pashupati,jatadhar,gannath,shashishekhar,Bholenath.

       The main reason for calling Lord Shiva as Bholenath, is that Lord Shiva listen very quickly to the devotees and help them.Lord Shiva does not allow injustice to anyone. 

      Lord Shiva protect everyone in some way or the other."Bhikshuvarya"Avatar is that incarnation of Mahadev who has given the message that Lord Shiva also protects the life of every human born in the world and he is their greatest protector.


         According to religious texts,Once there was a kingdom named as Vidarbh ,which was ruled by King Satyarath.He was very happy in his kingdom with his wife.All the people in his kingdom were very happy and all were prosperous.

      After some time, the enemies of Satyarath attacked the Kingdom.There was a battle fought by King Satyarath but he was killed by his enemies in a war. After the death of her husband in the war, Satyarath's pregnant wife saved her life by hiding from the enemies.She left the kingdom hiding here and there.

      When the time came, she gave birth to a son. Once the queen felt very thirsty, she sat on the bank of the lake to drink water and kept her boy a little away from the shore,so that he will be safe. 

       When the queen went to the lake and sat to drink water, a crocodile came and made her his food and that boy he was all alone there. The child was left alone there who was crying heavily and after that child started suffering from hunger and thirst. 

       Lord Shiva was seeing all this with his divine vision.That child's pain and suffering was not seen from Lord Shiva and Lord Bholeshankar decided to help that child.

        Just then a woman beggar ( Bhikari) reached there with the inspiration of Shiva.Through her heart was filled with love and compassion as want to lift that hungry boy. But she was hesitating to take him to her lap.

        Then Lord Shiva, who took the form of a beggar ( bhikshukh), introduced the child to that beggar and instructed his upbringing and also said that this child is the son of Vidarbha King Satyarath.

        Saying all this, Lord Shiva in the form of a beggar showed that beggar his true form and she was very happy to have darshan of Lord Shiva. And she promised that he would protect that child like her own child.

        According to the orders of Shiva, the beggar took very good care of that child.  Growing up, that child came to know how his kingdom was snatched by Enemies.

        When he became mature, hedefeated his enemies by the grace of Lord Shiva who had killed his father and because of whom he had also lost his mother .

         He killed all his enemies and got his kingdom again. And by the grace of Lord Shiva, he became a Chakravarti emperor who ruled his kingdom for so many years in prosperity.


       This incarnation or avatar of Bholenath Shiv Shankar gives the message that the saviors of life of every creature born in the world are also present.Lord Shiva's Leela is unparalleled, there is no other like him.The whole world bows down to Lord Shiva and I bow down to Lord Shiva.

      Om Tryambhakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam |

 Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat ||


                        || OM NAMAH SHIVAAY  ||

Thank you for reading.If you have any query please let me know at: shiv14496@gmail.com