Avatar of Lord Shiva: Krishna darshan Avatar



Sketch of Lord Shiva

   Lord Shiva is the supreme power of the Universe.Lord Shiva has many forms,sometimes he is Bhola Shankar and sometimes Mahakal.Sometimes Lord Shiva accepts the worship done by the devotees unknowingly.Many times, to make them meditate on the mistake made by the devotees,he also teach them the proper text.The avatar or form we are going to talk about today is a unique avatar of Lord Shiva.This Avatar of Lord Shiva is known as Krishna Darshan Avatar.


    Once there was a king Shraddhadeva who had nine sons.Nabhag was born as the nineth son of  Shraddhadeva who himself was a descendant of Ikshavaku. During his childhood Nabhag left his home for 'gurukula to get education and he was great devotee of Lord Shiva. In his absence his brothers got the wealth of the kingdom distributed among themselves.

      When Nabhag returned home after the completion of his education of vedas and he demanded his share of wealth from his brothers. His brothers told him that they had forgotten to fix his share as he was absent at the time when wealth was being distributed. Nabhag brothers advised him to go and meet their father.

Nabhag's brothers said that ,"What have you come here to do?,you have not done any work of this kingdom since childhood,so you have no part.You go to father, he will tell you everything".

     Sad Nabhag went to his father and made the same request but his was unable to give him his share of wealth as he no more the king of his kingdom.

    But his father advised him to go to sage Angiras who were trying to accomplish a yagya, but was not being able to accomplish it because of their attachment.King Shraddhadeva said to his son Nabhag that "Go and try to eliminate their attachment by your discourses.This way sage Angiras on being pleased with you and would give all the wealth which remains after the completion of the yagya."

    Nabhag did the same. He went to the place where sage Angiras were performing there yagya. He preached Rishi Angiras on the virtues of Religiousness. As a result he became free from all sorts of attachments and the yagya was successfully accomplished.

      Rishi Angiras was very pleased by Nabhag's knowledge of religion. Sage Angiras gave all the remaining wealth of the yagya to Nabhag. Just then Lord Shiva arrived there in his incarnation( avatar )of Krishna darshan and tried to prevent sage Angiras from donating the wealth to Nabhag, instead he staked his own claim.

      Nabhag told lord Shiva that, since the wealth was given to him by sage Angiras themselves, it naturally belonged to him. Lord Shiva then sent Nabhag to his father Shraddhadeva to know about his opinion. 

      Nabhag went to Shradhadeva who revealed to him that the person who was staking his claims on the wealth was none other then lord Shiva. He also told him that whatever remained after the accomplishment of the yagya belongs to lord Shiva only as Prajapati Daksha has dedicated part of the remaining wealth of yagna to Lord Rudra( Lord Shiva ).

      Nabhag was now satisfied. He went back to lord Shiva's Krishna darshan Avatar and narrated everything what his father had said. He then prayed and worshipped lord Shiva.

       Pleased with his prayer Lord Shiva blessed him which helped Nabhag to attain salvation and gave all the remaining wealth of yagna to him.

  In this way Lord Shiva in this incarnation has told the importance of religious works like Yagya to the people and also that more attachment to any material leads to destruction.

                                                         || OM NAMAH SHIVAAY ||