Bhagwan Brahma : God of Creation


Bhagwan Brahma : God of Creation

Bhagwan Brahma is the god of creation who creates this world. Everything which is present in this world is created by Lord Brahma. Tiny particles to biggest thing, every creativity is created by Lord Brahma. He is also considered as svayambhu and creator of Four Vedas : Rigveda , Yajuraveda, Samveda and ArtharvaVeda.

 In some stories, it is believed that he has created himself in cosmic golden egg known as Hiranyagarbha. While in some stories Bhagwan Brahma was born in a lotus which was emerged from the navel of Bhagwan Vishnu and in some stories Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu both was created by Bhagwan Shiva to create and preserve this world respectively.

   Bhagwan Brahma is described as a male deity having beard ,who is golden in colour and who has four hands and four heads having kamdala, flower and Vedas in his hands. He sits on a lotus where he creates everything. It is also believed that four heads of Bhagwan Brahma represents the 4 vedas.

Read more : Chirinjivis: Immortals of India

Consort or Wife :

     Wife of Bhagwan Brahma is Goddess Saraswati. She is the goddess of Knowledge and also from the group of "Tridevi". In some stories their are other wives of Lord Brahma which are named as Gayatri, Saraswati, Megha and Shradha.

Childrens :

    Bhagwan Brahma had many childrens which named as : Daksha ( father of Goddess Sati ), Himavan ( father of Goddess Parvati ), Narada ( Devrishi ), jambhavan ( who helped Lord Rama in getting Devi Sita back and also his Daughter married to Lord Krishna ), Bhrigu, Atri, Vashishtha( one of the sapt Rishis ), kama , Marichi, Kumaras. 

Weapons :

     Weapons of Lord Brahma were Brahmastra and kamandala.

Mount or Vehicle :

     Mount of Bhagwan Brahma is a swan ( hansa ).

Temple : 

     The famous temple of Bhagwan Brahma in india is situated in Pushkar, Rajasthan. And other temple of Brahma is situated in Bangkok which is named as Erawan Shrine.

There are more temples of Lord brahma in india which are in Barmar , Tamil nadu ,kullu valley and goa.

Stories related to Lord Brahma:

     Many stories are present which are related to him and some of them are :

Why bhagwan Brahma is not worshipped and have not many temples ?

  There are various stories related to this,and one story says that once Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu had an argument regarding who is most powerful and supreme in them. There argument goes at the peak so Lord Shiva decided to intervene in this situation and he came in front of them in form of a massive infinite linga which was shining like a bright pole which had no end.

   Both Bhagwan Brahma and Lord Vishnu were surprised to see it and a calm voice came from that Linga and said that one who will find the end of this linga would be considered as Supreme Lord. Both of them agreed to this and Lord Vishnu made the form of Varaha- a boar and went in downward direction while Lord brahma made form of a swan ( Hansa ) went upward. 

   After sometime Lord Vishnu realised that there is no end of this linga so I am not the supreme lord and he gave up on finding the end of Linga while Lord Brahma went more high but he also didn't find the end of that massive Linga but he found a flower named as ketki and he told him to say lie in front of that massive linga that he had found the end.

      Ketki flower did the same on this Lord Shiva emerged from that linga and in anger Lord shiva cursed Lord Brahma that he will not be worshipped in the world which he will create. But Lord Brahma in ego said bads words to Lord Shiva. 

    On this Lord Shiva's was on its peak and from him Lord Bhairava emerged and he plucked the Fifth and egostic head Lord Brahma.

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    Another story states that once Lord Brahma was doing a yagna on earth. Lord Brahma and his wife Savitri had to sit in that yagna. But Devi Savitri got late and she was unable to present at that time.  

    But the Muhurta of the Yagna was coming out and it was necessary to complete the Yagna. So Lord Brahma married to a local lady to complete that Yagna. 

   When Devi Savitri came at the place where the yagna was happening.She got very angry 

and in her anger she cursed Lord Brahma that you will not be worshipped in this world. On this all the deities told Devi Savitri to take her curse back. 

    But this is impossible to take the words or curse back, so Devi Savitri modified her curse that Lord Brahma would be worshipped at this place only where that Yagna was happening and that place was Pushkar, Rajasthan. 

    According to Padam Purana, Lord Brahma lived for 10000 years and he created whole world to make better for the living of human beings.

Read more : When Yamraj died at the hands of Lord Shiva's son?

  Another story related to this scenario is that once Lord Brahma had created a beautiful Lady who name was Satrupa. She was so beautiful that Lord Brahma got enamoured with her beauty. 

He started following her in all directions so that Lord Brahma had developed four heads to see her everytime. Shatrupa got irritated with this so she decided to live in sky but Lord brahma developed one more head on the top of his four heads.

   Lord Shiva was seeing this all, which was happening there. Since she was considered to be Lord Brahma's daughter , it was not appropriate what Lord Brahma was doing. So in anger Lord Shiva cutted off the fifth head of Lord Brahma and from that day he is not worshipped.

Read more :

1. Sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu : Parshuram Avatar

2. Why Devraj Indra is not Worshipped

3. Why Rishi Durvasa cursed his wife ?

4. Avatar of Lord Shiva who tested Arjuna.

5. 19 avatars of Lord Shiva

6. Why Lord Shiva cutted the head of his Father in law-Daksha Prajapati ?