Lord Vishnu : God of preservation


God Vishnu Image
Lord Vishnu: God of preservation

Lord Vishnu is a "god of preservation". He is the savior of this world. He is one of the most important god among trinity. Among trinity or trimurti there are three supreme beings named as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha or Shiva

    Lord Vishnu is the preserver of this world and his responsibilty is to maintain this world while on other hand Lord Brahma is the creator and he has reponsiblity to create this world which is destroyed by Mahadev when evil things and beliefs are at peak in the world and peoples forgots about the Dharma as well as karma.

    It is believed that when the evil things and chaos rises in this world, then Lord Vishnu take an incarnation or avatar to save this world from that evils. Their are various numbers of Lord Vishnu are there.

   As in Bhagvatpurana, there are 23 avatars of Lord Vishnu while in manavapurana this number is 42 and according to Sikhism there are 24 avatars of Lord Vishnu. But out of all these avatars, ten avatars we consider best are known as "Dashavatara". The name of these ten Avatars are as follows :

1. Matsya Avatar

2. Kurma Avatar

3. Varaha Avatar

4. Narsimha Avatar

5. Vamana Avatar

6. Parshuram Avatar

7. Ram Avatar 

8. Krishna Avatar

9. Buddha Avatar

10. Kalki Avatar

 Lord vishnu is described as a male deity who have mace, conchshell, lotus flower and Sudarshan Charka in his hands and who is blue in colour.He lives in Kshirsagar and rests on Sheeshnaag. 

Consort or Wife :

         Wife of Lord Vishnu is Goddess Lakshmi . She is the goddess of Wealth and Fortune. She is one of the three goddesses named as" Tridevi ". 

Childrens :

       Kamadeva , Mangal Dev and Narkasura is considered as son's of Lord Vishnu. But in Ram Avatar Lord vishnu had two Sons : Luva and Kusha. And in Krishna Avatar, name of his sons are: Pardumana and Sama.

Abode :

   Abode of Lord Shree Hari Vishnu is Kshirsagar and Vaikuntha where he lives with goddess Lakshmi.

Weapon :

   Weapons of Lord Vishnu are Conch Shell named as Panchjanya Sankha , mace ( gada ), Sudarshana Chakra ( discus ). He also had a bow named as Sharanga and Sword whose name is Nandaka.

Mount or Vehicle :

   Mount of Lord Vishnu is Garuda or Eagle. And also Sheeshnaag at whom Lord Vishnu rests in kshirsagar.

Read more : Why Devraj Indra is not worshipped and has no temples? 

Story : 

 There are many stories related to Lord Vishnu and his Different avatars. One of these stories is as follows :

Curse of Narada Muni to Lord Shree Hari Vishnu:

     Once Sage Narada gone egostic due to his devotion towards Lord Vishnu and that his celibacy cannot be disturbed by Kamadeva ( god of Love ). He went to Kailasha to meet Lord Shiva and he could see a glimpse of arrogance in Devrishi Narada's words and he understood that the ego has come in the Devrishi Narada.

    Lord Shiva told Sage Narada to not to show this kind of behaviour in front of Lord Vishnu but devrishi Narada ignored Lord Shiva's words and he went to Lord Vishnu and shown his same egostic behaviour in front of Lord Vishnu. 

   Lord Vishnu seeing his behavior, he understood that ego has come in Narada and this is not a good sign.Lord Vishnu thought that Narada's ego would have to be broken. So Lord Vishnu bestowed his illusion on him.

   So after this Sage Narada was going somewhere and a beautiful city lay on the way to Narada and Narada was fascinated by seeing the princess of the that city due to illusion of Lord Vishnu.That princess was about to have a swayamvara.

   Seeing the beauty of the princess, Naradji was very much fascinated and his celibate penance started decreasing.And Naradji made up his mind to go to that swayamvara and marry that princess. And Naradji ran and reached Lord Vishnu and expressed his desire to participate in that swayamvara to Lord Vishnu.

  He asked Lord Vishnu to make his form of a very handsome man like Hari. But one of the meaning of word Hari is " Monkey ". But Narad ji does not know that. 

   So when Devrishi Narad went to take part in Swayamvara his appearance turned into a monkey and all peoples who were present there laughed at him. But Devrishi Narada could not understand why everyone was laughing after seeing him.

   The ganas of Lord Shiva were also present because they all knew what was going to happen so they also formed the . They too was laughing seeing all this,they told the sage to look at his face in the mirror. Devrishi Narada went crazy in anger when he saw his appearence. Lord Vishnu came there in a form of a handsome man and princess decided to marry him.

 On the other hand , Devrishi Narada who was in illusion of Lord Vishnu was in anger he gave curse to Ganas of Lord Shiva that they will born in demon form on earth. After that he said bad words to Lord Shree Hari Vishnu and also cursed him that, " Just as I am suffering the separation of a woman today, in the same way you will also have to bear the separation of a woman by taking birth as a human. "

   In that human form you have to take help of monkey. Lord Vishnu told him that this would happen and freed the sage Narad from his illusion. When Devrishi Narad came to his senses felt guilty and apolozied to Lord Vishnu.

   This incident happened with the will of Lord Vishnu ,because it was written in the destiny to be like this, only Dev Rishi Naradji became the medium of that event. and then Lord Vishnu incarnated as Rama in Treta Yuga and he rescued Goddess Sita with the help of Lord Hanuman who was a monkey.

               || OM NAMHO NARAYANA ||

Read more :

1. 19 Avatars of Lord Shiva

2. Avatar of Lord Shiva who pacified anger of Lord Vishnu

3. Navadurga : Nine forms of Devi Durga

4. Eight Avatars of Lord Ganesha