Seventh Avatar of Lord Vishnu:Ram Avatar


      Out of 10 avatars of LordVishnu,Lord Ram is Seventh avatar .Lord Ram is considered an idol of compassion, sacrifice and dedication.  He has presented the best example of humility, dignity, patience and might in front of the world.Lord Shri Ram is also called "Maryada Purushottam".This avatar of Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram was to save the peoples from the tyranny of Demon Ravana.

Seventh Avatar of Lord Vishnu:Ram Avatar


     Lord Ram was son of Dasharatha (King of Ayodhya) and Queen Kaushalya.King Dasharatha had three queens – Kaushalya, Kaikeyi and the youngest Sumitra.  King Dasharatha got sons after a lot of chanting and penance.  Four sons were born from his three queens. 

      The eldest son was Rama from Kaushalya, Bharata from Kaikeyi and Lakshmana and Shatrughna from Sumitra.Lord Ram was very kind and humble in nature and a great warrior but for him justice and law were above all.

Lord Rama and his remaining brothers received education in the ashram of their Rajguru Vashista.When Lord Rama and other brothers  came back after finishing his education, after sometime Guru Vishwamitra came in Kingdom of King Dashratha and he said to take Lord Rama and Laxman with him because some demons in his ashram did not allow him to worship.

   Lord Rama and Laxman ji went to forest and killed the demon named Tadka.After that Lord Rama and Laxmanji went to Mithila with Guru Vishwamitra where Devi Sita's swayamvara was going to happen.The objective of that swayamvar was the marriage of Devi Sita.

    The marriage of Devi Sita was to be done by the one who broke the bow of Lord Shiva in himself.Many warriors tried but could not even lift the bow.Then Lord Rama raised that bow at the behest of Guru Vishwamitra and married Devi Sita.

    Queen kaikeyi was closest to King Dashratha and King Dashrath had also given her two  boons when she saved King dashratha during a war. Queen Kaikeyi, under the guise of maid Manthara, asked King Dasharatha to take the throne of Ayodhya for his son Bharata and fourteen years' exile for Lord Rama.  To protect his father's promise, Rama happily accepted fourteen years of exile.His father gave up his life after some time in the separation of Lord Rama.

         Lord Rama with his beloved wife Sita and brother Lakshmana went to exile.He had happily spent 13 years of exile. But once demon Surpanakha, the younger sister of the demon king Ravana of Lanka, saw Lord  Rama and was fascinated.She asked Lord Rama to marry her but Lord Rama told her that he is married.

       Then Surpanakha got angry and attacked Devi Sita.  Seeing this, Lakshmana cut off Surpanakha's nose with a knife.  When Surpanakha reached Lanka crying with a severed nose, Ravana got very angry after knowing all the things. [Ravana was the king of Lanka who a fearsome warrior and great enemy of Gods.He was also a Great devotee of Lord Shiva ]. After that, Ravana made a plan to abduct Sita.

  Read More : Vrishabha Avatar of Lord Shiva

     Ravana called his elusive maternal uncle-Marich and asked him to disguise as a golden deer.Seeing that golden deer, Goddess Sita asked Lord Rama to bring it for herself.Lord Ram even said that this is just a hoax but Goddess Sita still asked him to bring it.

    Lord Ram caught him( golden deer) but he started to sound or mimicking like Lord Ram and said ,"Brother Laxman ,Save me." Hearing such voice of Lord Rama, Devi Sita got feared and sent Laxmanji to help Lord Rama.

   In that mean time,Demon Ravana abducted Lady Sita by making form of a Rishi(sage).When Lord Ram and Lakshman were going in search of Devi Sita they reached at Rishimukh Parvat where they met Sugariva and Lord Hanuman.

   Lord Rama helped Sugariva and killed his brother King Bali( King of Kishkindha) who had thrown Sugariva out from Kishkindha .Lord Ram made Sugariva the king of Kishkhindha .Sugriva also made a promise to Lord Rama that he and his Vanar sena (monkey army) would also try their best to free Devi Sita from the clutches of Ravana.

    After that Hanuman, Sugriva, Jamavant, together led the monkey army of Sugriva and sent his army in all four directions.  After searching in all directions, most of the army returned without finding anything.

  Lord Hanuman flying over the sea,he went towards Lanka.In Lanka lord Hanuman met Vibhishana( brother of Ravana) and he told Lord Hanuman that Lady sita is in Ashok Vatika.After that Lord Hanuman met Lady Sita and gave her the ring of Lord Rama.

     During this, Hanuman ji was feeling very hungry, so Hanuman started eating the fruits of the trees in Ashok Vatika.  Along with eating the fruits, Hanuman started plucking those trees, when Ravana's soldiers attacked Hanuman but Hanuman killed everyone.

     When Demon Ravana got message that someone is destorying and killing the other Rashakas.He sent Akshay( Ravana's younger son) to capture him and Lord Hanuman killed  Akshay in this fight.After this,Indrajeet(eldest son of Demon Ravana) came and captured Lord Hanuman by using Bharamashtra(weapon given by Lord Brahma).

    Demon Ravana ordered to burn the tail of Lord Hanuman and with his burning tail Lord Hanuman burned the whole Lanka within few minutes.After that Lord Hanuman came to Lord Rama and gave him the information of Lady Sita.

    Then Lord Rama with Sugriva ,Lord Hanuman and Vanar Sena went to save Lady Sita from Demon Ravana.They made bridge on sea which connects to Lanka by writing name of Lord Rama on Stones.

      After this the war was fought between Lord Ram's Vanar sena and Demon Ravana's Army.In this war,Lord Ram killed the Demon Ravana and all his sons and brother and saved the lady and other peoples from tyranny of Demon Ravana.

    After that Lord Ram made Vibhishana king of Lanka and went to this home-Ayodhya where he ruled his kingdom for many years.

Read more : Durvasa Avatar of Lord Shiva


 Ram avatar of Lord Vishnu is mentioned in these Puranas:

1.Bhagwat Puran

2.Ramcharitara Manas

3. Valmiki Ramayan

4. Vishnu Puran

                        || JAI SHREE RAM ||

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