Third Avatar of Lord Vishnu: Varaha Avatar


Third Avatar of Lord Vishnu: Varaha Avatar

"Yada yada hi Dharmasya glanirbhavati Bharat.  abhyutthanam dharmasya tadatmanam srijamayam"

                           which means

"Whenever there is loss of Dharma on this earth and Adharma progresses, then I incarnate on this earth.For the protection of the gentlemen and sadhus, for the destruction of the wicked and sinners and for the establishment of Dharma, I incarnate in every age." Said by Lord Krishna(eight avatar of Lord Vishnu).

It is considered as Lord Vishnu has taken 10 avatars named as "Dashavatara"to save the world from the evil things. First avatar of Lord Vishnu was Lord Matsya and Second avatar of Lord Vishnu was Lord kurma.His third avatar was Lord Varaha to save the earth from Devil Hiranyaksha."VARAHA"is a sanskrit word which means Boar.Lord Varaha had head of Boar and body of a man.

Read More : Sixth Avatar of Lord Vishnu


         Once two demons named Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu were born at home of Great sage Rishi kashyap and Diti(Mother of demons). Rishi kashyap was one of the 7 great sages. Hiranyaksha did Lord Brahma's harsh penance and Brahmadev was pleased with his austerity and he gave him a boon that he would not be defeated by any of the gods, demons and human beings and would not be killed in any war.Hiranyaksha was very pleased with his boon ( vardaan ) and he considered himself immortal and most powerful then everything in this world.

    After getting this boon, the tyranny of both ( Hiranyaksha and Hiranakashipu ) of them started increasing even more.He started killing and started stopping devotees of other gods to worship them. He also defeated Devraj Indra and captured Indralok or Swarg.  After this Hiranyaksha  captured and hid the earth by going deep into the sea considering that no one will find him beneath the sea.

      When the sages and other gods prayed to Lord Vishnu to bring the earth back to its place, then Lord Vishnu incarnated in the form of Varaha from the nose of Lord  Brahma.  On everyone's request, God started searching for the earth.  With the help of his snout he traced the earth.

   On the other hand, Hiranyaksha went to Lord Varun( god of water ), he challenged him for war, on this Lord Varun calmly said, 'You are a great warrior and a warrior. Where do I have the bravery to fight with you?  There is no one in the three worlds except Lord Vishnu who can fight with you.  So go to them.  He alone will quell your war cravings.'Hiranyaksha was in great fury that how could Lord Naryana is better than him.

   After this he went to Devarshi Narad and asked the address of Lord Narayana. Devarshi Narada told him that at this time Narayana had taken the avatar of a Varaha to take the earth out of the abyss.  Hearing this, Hiranyaksha was shocked that how could anyone find where I have hid the earth and he immediately reached the abyss. There he saw Lord Varaha bringing the earth up by placing it on his molar.

       In his anger,Hiranyaksha said bad words to Lord Varaha.Hiranyaksha said to Lord Varaha, "O wild animal! Where have you come from in the water? Foolish animal! Where are you taking this earth?  You cannot take this earth from the abyss until I am  alive. You are the enemy of demons, so today I will kill you."

Read More : Nineth Avatar of Lord Vishnu

     But Lord Varaha, ignoring him, came out of the abyss and established the earth over the sea. Hiranyaksha was following him .He again uttered bad words to Lord Varaha, those words was like arrows were piercing the heart. Bhagwan Varaha brought the earth out of the water and then paid attention to Hiranyaksha.

    But Hiranyaksha was still being abusive to Bhagwan Vishnu and Varaha was angry now.  Bhagwan Varaha said that ,"one has to talk about useless things or even comes to fight.  I am standing in front of you.  Why don't you attack me?  Go ahead, attack me".

   Lightning ran in Hiranyaksha's veins.  He broke down on Lord Vishnu with a mace in his hand and they both started fighting with each other.Lord Varaha was answering every blow of Demon very easily and swiftly.Due to a blow from Lord Varaha, his car was released from his hand and he fell down.Then after that there was a fierce battle between the two with bare hands.After a great battle from both ends, in the end Hiranyaksha was killed by Lord Varaha and after that Bhagwan Varaha got disappeared.

    In this way,Lord Varaha saved the earth from evils of Demon Hiranyaksha.But after the death of Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakashipu ( brother of Hiranyaksha ) did a harsh penance of Lord Brahma to take revenge on Lord Vishnu.

     And to save the earth from his atrocities, Lord Vishnu had to take the fourth incarnation which is known as Lord Narsimha.

I bow down to Lord Vishnu and also bow down to Varaha avatar of him.


It is believed  Varaha Gayatri Mantra helps in protecting properties.

           Aum Bhoo Varahaya Vidmahe
           Hiranya-karbaya Dhimahe
           Tanhho krodha Prachodayatha


 Varaha avatar of Lord Vishnu is mentioned in these Puranas:

  1. Vishnu Puran
  2. Varaha Puran
  3. Bhagwat Puran


Know More About :

1. 8 Avatars of Lord Ganesha

2. 9 Avatars of Devi Durga

3. 19 Avatars of Lord Shiva

4. Dashavatara of Lord Vishnu

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