Bhagwan Matsya: First Avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu


Bhagwan matsya image

       All three supreme powerful god's of Indian mythology i.e. Bhagwan Bramha - " The creator, Bhagwan Vishnu -" The Preserver","Bhagwan Shiva- " The destroyer", combined  known as TRIMURTI.Among TRIMURTI,Bhagwan Vishnu has taken several incarnations(avatars) to destroy evil  and to establish righteousness or Dharma on Earth.Bhagwan Vishnu has taken ten incarnations(avatars), also known as "DASHAVATARA".

               Out of the 10 avatars of Bhagwan Vishnu,the First Avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu is named as  "LORD MATSYA". Matsya is called "FISH" in Sanskrit language. In some places and ancient texts,Bhagwan Matsya is described as a fish with a horn while in some ancient texts Bhagwan Matsya is described as a man having half body of human and half body of fish.

     Bhagwan Vishnu took this avatar in Satyuga at the time of the end of the earth.Bhagwan Vishnu had taken Matsya Avatar to save Manu(The first man),Sapt Rishis and other animals and other living things and which are must for living from great flood and to create a new civilization on earth.


    So the story this Avatar of Lord Vishnu goes like this,During Satyayuga(Era of truth),when the people of earth goes irreligious and forgotten the way of living and they were doing the things which are wrong according to there Dharma then Bhagwan Vishnu, Bhagwan Brahma and Bhagwan Shiva decided to restore the earth for new generation and lead them to do good things. So Bhagwan Vishnu told Bhagwan Brahma to develop guidelines(Vedas) and to remodel the earth.Bhagwan Brahma done the same and wrote the vedas.

     But when bhagwan brahma was in sleep, a demon named as HAYAGRIVA has stolen the guidelines to fail the purpose of gods, he didn't wanted humans to get blessed with Vedas. To do this Hayagriva  hid himself beneath deep inside ocean and felt that he was safe there.

     On the other hand,there was a righteous king named as SATYAVRAT( after the great flood he was known as Vaivashwat Manu) lived.According to Ancient texts, Satyavrat was son of Sun God and Sanghya. One day,Satyavrat was bathing in river and was offering oblation to Sun god.When he was praying to sun god,a small fish came into his hand and the fish said to him that" O king, don't throw me back into the water.I am a small fish and the bigger fishes will eat me, so please take me with you".Then the king took the fish with him in his palace and he put the fish in a golden jar but after few minutes fish became big and jar get small for the fish,then after he put the fish in tank but again it became big as comparison to tank and similarly fish became big in river and in ocean.

       The king was shocked and astonished at what he had seen and after that he politely asked the fish to reveal his original identity.The fish then revealed itself to be as BHAGWAN VISHNU He recognize and praise the 'Matsya Avatar' of the Bhagwan Vishnu.Bhagwan Vishnu told him that a flood would occur in next 7 Days and all three worlds will get destroyed in it,so you have to collect all kinds of herbs,seeds of plants and grains,and to take Sapt Rishis with you for the formation of new and better righteous civilization on earth.

        Bhagwan Vishnu also instructed him to make a huge boat in which all the things which are useful for survival,animals and Sapt Rishi's will be safe during flood.And also instructed Satyavrat take help of serpent Vasuki(king of serpents and ornament of Lord Shiva) and tie him as a rope with boat on the horn of  fish (LORD MATSYA),so he(Lord matsya) would save them from the Great Flood.After this when the time came,Lord Matsya killed Demon Hayagriva and returned the Guidelines(Vedas) to Lord Brahma.And when great flood came,Lord Matsya saved Manu ( King Satyavrat ) and Sapt Rishis from that flood. 

   As the Flood swept over the land,Manu(King Satyavrat) asked bhagwan Vishnu,"Why mankind had to meet such a deadly fate?" to which Bhagwan Matsya told Manu that he( king Satyarat)was the only moral man alive on earth and he would have to be the father of future generations of men and lead them to be a better civilization.

Sketch of Lord Matsya
Lord Matsya with help of Vasuki carrying Manu and Sapt Rishis in Great Flood

     Then with help of Bhagwan Matsya they survived the great flood and storms.When the Storms and flood stopped and water get subsided, Lord matsya left Manu and the others at himalayas, where they could begin human civilization again.

   On the day of Matsya Dwadashi, Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu removes the troubles of the devotees and proves all the works of the devotees.
Waking up early in the morning and taking bath, on this day fasting should be done in the name of Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu ji. This mantra should be chanted during the worship.


Matsya avatar of Lord Vishnu is mentioned in these Puranas:

                   ॐ मत्स्याय मनुपालकाय नमः॥
               || Om Matsya Manupalakaya Namah ||

                                                  || OM NAMHO NARAYANA ||
                                ॐ नमः नारायणाय

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